Pitching Workshop: Santander Universities UK
To win business, to win investment, to win the best employees you have to present an irresistible proposition – the pitch.
This workshop helps you develop the irresistible pitch – from a 30 second “elevator pitch” to a full investment pitch. There are some vital secrets to a great pitch which will be revealed. The workshop is highly interactive with the opportunity to develop and test your pitching skills.
If you want to work on your pitch and know the key elements to add to the perfect pitch, then this session is a must!
If you are looking to pitch your idea to a panel of judges for the Santander Universities Entrepreneur Award where you can pitch for a grant of up to £1000-1500, I would highly recommend that you attend this session. Please note to be eligible to pitch, you must forst complete the Business Start Up Boot Camp.
To book a place, please email: Innospace@mmu.ac.uk